Hi - I'm a runner training for a marathon in 5 weeks. All was going well and had gradually built up to c50m a week. I had a half marathon 12 days ago and possibly overdid it in the week building up and on the day at 11.5m I got some calf pain. I nursed it home and immediately iced it etc. After a week I saw a physio who's diagnosed an inflamation/irritation in the membrane between the two calf muscles (the soleus and the one that begins with g!). He said I was ok to run on it but to stop when it hurt - so yesterday I took it out for 6 gentle miles and at about 5 it started to hurt - so I jogged home. Today I only got 1.5m before it hurt.

I've therefore booked in for 6 sessions of sports physio to try and get some intensive work on it in the 5 weeks I have left.

My questions are:

1. What is the proper name for this problem? All I can find online is calf strains - I've had that before and that was ok in a week - this definitely isn't (and actually wasn't as painful as the proper calf strain in the other leg I had a few months ago).
2. Can regular physio on an injury like this accelerate the healing process? If someone says "don't run for 2 weeks and after that you'll be able to build back up to full training" then I'll be happy to rest it - but it seems to me that the "run til it hurts" thing didn't really work.
3. If anyone has come across this - what's the recommended treatment and how long should it take?


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