Brief Medical History Overview
What kind of MD/DO to see for adult OSD?

Hello all. I'm hoping you can all help me.
I'm a 20 year old female with bilat. Osgood-Schlatters since I was about 9-10. I wasn't diagnosed until about 4 years ago, when during a sports medicine class lesson on knee disorders, I realized what those bumps were that no doctor over years could figure out. I told my new PCP and it was an "AHA!" moment. Over the years my pain and deformation had been diagnosed as everything from tendinitis to lupus (yikes!).
PCP referred me to a sports medicine doc who did x-rays and the full exam. He referred me to a physical therapist, told me to keep up the RICE + ibuprofen, and gave me an Rx for Voltaren Gel (a topical steroid).
The physical therapist set up a pretty intense regime for me. I was in that office about 3 times a week at least. She said I also had patellofemoral dysfunction. I was supposed to use this special tape 24/7 on each knee to help redirect my patellas. Unfortunately I had a gnarly skin allergic reaction to it and couldn't keep up with that. Due to a generally unpleasant experience at this practice, I dropped out of physical therapy (I know, I know).
I tried wearing a patella strap regularly, especially during exercise. It was more uncomfortable than helpful.
So here I am, several years later, the bumps are getting larger, and the pain is getting worse. It isn't constant, but close enough. I have 6-7/10 pain several days a week every week, and have to take 1200+ mg of ibuprofen over the course of the day probably 3-5 days every week. The ibuprofen does very little, same with ice, rest, elevation, and Voltaren.
I am studying nursing and currently work at a hospital and an MDs office. I am on my feet all day. The knee pain is often excruciating. It genuinely terrifies me that I may not be able to pursue the career I am passionate about because of the debilitating pain.
I'd like to give physical therapy another go, but my insurance necessitates I see an MD/DO first for a referral. I'm wondering what kind of specialist would be best for this kind of problem? Sports Medicine? Ortho Surgeon?
I'm also wondering if I should consider seeing a pediatric specialist since they're more likely to see this problem and I'm still only 20.
Thanks for your help in advance. 
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