How this all started is at bottom. Psoraitic arthritis is the Dx at the moment. Currently it has generalized to all other joints causing much pain and crunchy cartilage but no fuctional impairment yet. With the exception of my feet.

The right foot is very hyperpronated and the left mildly so according to a foot and ankle surgeren. According to a podiatrist I have femoral torsion but a ortho disagrees. I have intact arches in both feet but the ankle just caves inwards.

I have a splayed foot position when standing flatfooted in bare feet. I can place my feet horizontally barefooted but I have to raise up a little on my left leg because the calfs are tight. Used to have to do it with the right too but now it just caves in.

When I pick up my right leg from a standing or seated position the knee points inward with the lower leg rotating laterally. The same thing happens in my gait, the right knee cap turns inward when weight is placed on the leg. And the knee points inward when flexed. Really affects my balance. Carrying anything at all on the stairs is a adventure. Seems to have affected even my seating position I sort of tilt over to my right just like I do when walking. Like I am curved at the hip.

Since my lower right leg is the only body part functionally affected currently, I thought there may be some lingering effects from the knee injury, and my late/non treatment of it, that are affecting my gait/feet. That could be helped by a rehab program.

Suggestions greatly appreciated.

age 22 at first symptoms, 29 currently, male 6 feet 160lbs
ran 30ish miles per week prior to symptoms switched to cycling then swimming. Not active currently but occasionally try to get some exercise. Prior to symptoms, my joints were the parts of me that bent, no prior pain or injury at all.

march 2003
Impact injury to upper lateral right knee (ran it into the edge of a wall in a flexed position...don't ask ). Not much swelling but can't extend knee from a flexed position under any weight. IE:climbing stairs getting up from a squat etc......... treated with rest and RICE. I can stand on it though if my leg is straight.

After one month injury seems to completely resolve and I try to start up running again. I'm testing the knee out... go for a light jog am OK....some stretches i seem OK.

Tried a slow lunge. Suddenly I feel a ripping sensation from upper right part of my right knee to the lower left deep in the knee. Sorta a wet feeling deep in the knee. I fall down knee feels deadish and is moderately swollen.

More rest. Knee remains swollen. Left knee starts to swell. Lower back starts to hurt. My wrists don't hurt but they start making a crunching noise which Ive never heard or felt from my joints before. There is a feeling of medial instability in the right knee/leg. The problem does not seem to be going away and it has been 2 months since the original injury at this point.

I notice a boney lump over the injury site and at this point I say screw it I'm going to a Ortho at least I'll know what the problem is. Ortho examines my knee. Believes lump is "just cartilage" and has always been present. I'm just about 100% sure it wasnt as it was one of the reasons i visited him in the first place. But no physical test shows any ligament damage and xrays are normal.

He believes pain/swelling are due to limping placing abnormal strain on other joints. I should have pressed him about my wrists but this was a minor concern at the time. He writes me a script for relafin and sends me home.

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