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    caz is offline
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    Re: Unstable Sacroiliac Joint has gotten worse...

    Quote Originally Posted by jonogunn View Post

    I feel really alone and that I'm like the only person in the world with an SI Joint this bad and I'm out of ideas on how to fix it.

    Thank you for listening and sorry for the long message. It's been frustrating times.
    You have my complete sympathy....and let me tell you that you are not alone! My pelvis is out of alignment too - and will pop out of alignment within a couple of hours of being corrected. I've been told its been out of alignment for so long that there is no chance of it being corrected permanently I have a mild Wikipedia reference-linkscoliosis which I know is connected to the pelvis problem - what I don't know is which came first....no-one really seems to know.

    It sounds like you are in the same situation - so its really just a case of trying to manage the pain rather than fix the problem. I still have regular physio sessions with a fantastic physio, but she doesn't even try to correct the pelvic alignment any more, she just does things like myofascial release and acupuncture to help with pain relief.

    I hope you can find something to manage your pain - I know how miserable it is to be in pain all the time xx

  2. #2

    Re: Unstable Sacroiliac Joint has gotten worse...

    hi. I am sorry to hear that you have SI joint pains.
    I used to have that for 10 years after almost all professions fail to diagnose correctly. As I did research treatment on myself,
    I found those of things are possible cause of my body.

    Unstable SI joints are due to
    1)ligament damgage(posterior long dorsal, etc)
    2)compensation for muscle and fascia dysfunctions close to joints(attached to illium and sacrum)
    3) misalighment of upper cervical
    4) compensation from knee instability
    5) compensation from altered function of ankle(less dorsiflextion)

    SI joint instability sometime is not an issue of its joint. rather than compensation from other structures.
    I am guessing all treatments are done for 2), and maybe 3) and 4) and 5). if not receive proper treatments.
    for muscles and fascia, active release technique type works well. but you need to have a good provider. The best one and average one's difference in terms of diagnosis and treatments are like distance between california and newyork. Skill really varies. For manipulations, diagnosis and treatments vary.
    Good one can achieve long terms result and bad one can last only 25min. for maintenance of your joints movements, i recommend Gyrotonics.

    Treating 1) case can be done Blocking procedure in spine position. so sacrum can become closer to iliam.
    When it comes to SI join stability caused by 1), any treatments(exercise, stretch, manipulation) will fail and result in only relief for temporary 25min- day.
    When i started to treat myself with blocking for 4-6 weeks,
    my SI joint becomes stabilize along with Gluteus medius stretching and strengthning)
    When receiving blocking correction, you should not receive a manipulation or excessive load exercises on joints. you have to let ligaments heal or you will not ever get fixed.
    if you have instability and also fixation of si joint because of surrounding muscles(fascia) are dysfunction, you need to treat those muscles(fascia), or receive really light manipulation done by instrument such as activator for temporary pain relief.
    I wouldnt recommend to use blocking by yourself because you can hurt yourself if done improperly on wrong side or done too much.
    Blocking specialists are called SOT practitioners in chiropractic worlds.
    There is always good and bad in any manual medicine practitioners, and i highly recommend to do research to find the best provider possible.
    I hope you the best


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