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Thread: Hamstring Knots

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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Hamstring Knots

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hello folks,

    I have very very knotted hamstrings, from years of cycling, and it has caused me back pain and problems for several years. I got into a good programme of stretching over the last year, gentle work, from yoga and pilates. Recently had a lot of stress and tension and my calves started to ache very badly, and then hamstrings tightened and now I seem to have a mild strain in left hamstring, and the right is also tight. I am having sports massage weekly and GP has referred me to physio.

    My question is this: Can the "knots" and lumps be worked with? Last time the sports massage therapist tried, they flared up afterwards and needed ice and rest. Is there any hope of effectively dealing with such problems? I feel that whilst my usual stretching routine before the strain helped, I have never been fully mobile since they knotted up years ago. At the moment I am not stretching whilst they settle.

    I should say - I have worked for years also on posture, via Alexander technique, yoga, pilates - and that has been very helpful in the past. Back much better. My questions is really about these muscular knots/trigger points - because it feels like there is only so much that stretching and postural shifts can do if you have ropey old hamstrings!

    Many thanks,

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    Re: Hamstring Knots

    hey lampy.

    there are therapies out there that work on these "knots" that appear in different muscles; massage, trigger point release, dry needling etc etc. they work in some cases, not in others.

    i would be more interested in finding out why you are constantly having tight, knotted up hamstrings and calves.

    have you ever had your back/lumbar spine fully investigated by a physio? i know that you have been referred so hopefully if you havent you will soon. your physio will be able to fully check out your back and see if there are any contributing factors towards you hamstring troubles.

    the fact that you have trouble with hamstrings on both sides as well as saying you are troubled with back pain would lead me to think there is a connection. dysfunction in the area around your lumbar spine and hips can lead to increased activity and "tightness" in your hams. you could massage them every day but if the root of the problem isnt addressed you will still have this neural overactivity and tightness.

    anyway, hopefully you will see your physio soon and get on the way to recovery. all the best.

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    Re: Hamstring Knots

    Thanks foe the reply - I believe from what I know of my own body, and my history, is that the tightness and knots came from overcycling about 6 years back - never stretched and commuted for many miles weekly. Cycling is famous for tightening the hams....and I think that this, along with postural issues causes problems.

    However, I have worked for years as I said on posture, and that really helps. But I feel, intuitively, that if the hams are knotted, they can never fully stretch, and in times of tension, like now when I have some big life changes, things tighten even more. My work is as a therapist, so I know how much tension and tight emotion translate into the body....but those darn knots have been there 6 years, and everything else I do can only go so far.

    I have had full examination by NHS physio and several osteo in the past. None spotted the knots though, only massage therapists did (and me). Trouble is, they are tight & knotted when you feel them, but I have a lot of flexibility and can raise leg to 90 degrees no prob when lying on my back. Physio before gave me stretches and strengthening exercises, all great, but it's like stretching a knotted rope!

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    Re: Hamstring Knots

    Hi Lampy

    Have you been involved with any other sports?

    Also have you had recurrent hamstring strains/tears (even if they were minimal)?

    The reason why I ask is because scar tissues and knots/trigger points may feel very similar.

    Either way it is important to stretch out your posterior chain (ham, gluts, calves, lower back muscles) AND work on strengthening tailored to suit your sport/activity.

    I would like to see how you progress.

    Kind Regards


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    Re: Hamstring Knots

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Quote Originally Posted by jonathan.k View Post
    Hi Lampy

    Have you been involved with any other sports?

    Also have you had recurrent hamstring strains/tears (even if they were minimal)?

    The reason why I ask is because scar tissues and knots/trigger points may feel very similar.

    Either way it is important to stretch out your posterior chain (ham, gluts, calves, lower back muscles) AND work on strengthening tailored to suit your sport/activity.

    I would like to see how you progress.

    Kind Regards

    Thanks Jonathan,

    No other sports. I'm sure I have had minor strains and tears, and I wonder if it is scar tissue. Sports massage I have now always focus on the areas you mention. I stretch myself daily (usually, not now, too much pain & inflammation)- hams, piriformis, calves. Lower back to some extent in yoga.

    Does cycling strengthen hams? Or is all the work in the quads?

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