Brief Medical History Overview
Lower back cramp (1yr 4months post ACL)
This is my first post. I was hoping that others could try and point me in the right direction before I try to find a local physio and also recommend some exercises if possible.
I'm 20 years old 6'3" 105kg and had my ACL reconstructed in Jan 09. The operation went well, I went for follow up and the Dr. was very happy with the range of motion etc.
Then it started going down hill. The Dr, referred me to a physio who I was none to impressed with, quite unprofessional too laid back. I went back to the Dr. and he referred me to another physio who was much better and had me doing much more physical exercise this was about 5 months post op. Exercises included, one leg rows, balancing, hopping exercises, floor drags lunges etc. It was quite intense physio, but i liked it and felt i was making progress. I went quite a few times, however, as I am a student and away from home I had to call it a day after Uni finished for the summer and with holidays and stuff i never really followed up physio properly after that. My thought I know and i do regret it.
At the moment, I am spending a lot of time in the gym exercising. However, I keep getting reccurrent lower back pain; which I am convinced is due to some kind of imbalance or weakness in my lower back/ body. The problem is most noticeable when running, only 6 weeks ago, I struggled to run on the treadmill for 10 minutes die to the cramping being so intense. With regular training I am now up to 30 mins running at a reasonably high intensity, but the back pain is still there.
The pain is also noticeable after doing a few sets of deadlifts, but not so much after squats. I also enjoy rowing, but do not get the pain even whe rowing long distances at high intensity. The only way to relieve the pain is by leaning forward, the best way to describe it, is like a muscle cramp, which is slightly worse in the right side (I had ACL reconstruction on the right side).
I was hoping I could get some input from the forum as to the cause and nature of this pain and exercises which could strengthen my lower back and core in this region. I'd like to see how I get on with the correct exercises and if no signs of improvement will go to a local physio. It is quite annoying though as, my healthcare plan will not cover any physio as it is a year outside the operation date.
Thanks for any input, I'm more than happy to clarify any other queries which may help. 
EDIT: forgot to add...may be unrelated but after running for 25-30mins i start to get a numbness in my left foot, like tingley numbness??? may be unrelated but again a nuisance.
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