Brief Medical History Overview
Dislocated Shoulder Problems

I dislocated my right shoulder around 3 years ago snowboarding. I went through the normal measures of Physio and then dislocated it yet again the following season snowboarding. I again followed every doctors and physio's guide lines for recover and since then have dislocated it around 20-30 times.
I have problems when i put my shoulder it to certain positions. Such as today i was cleaning out the fridge and stretched too much and had a small dislocation which popped back in as soon as i moved back into position. The other day i was snowboarding and hit a small kicker and almost fell, but regained my self by waving my arms but then slightly popped it out again!
I know this is obviously a problem and have been told by some people including physios and doctors that an operation is a waste of time and it will keep happening after.
I don't know really what to do, I don't want to give up snowboarding but day to day life is obviously effected by my wobbly shoulder!
I have been looking at shoulder supports by Vulkan and other brands to see if i can get something that will protect me a little. Does anyone have any ideas?
Also any feedback on shoulder re-constructions?
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