Brief Medical History Overview
patellar tendonitis treatment not working

any help, ideas please anyone,
i'm 26, f, hobbies football, karate, running, i injured my left knee last august playing football, i was jumping for the ball and landed on my left leg my knee went slightly backwards and was immediatly swollen below the kneecap, i used usual R.I.C.E and limped for a day but everything seemed ok, i tried training the next week but realised i couldn't due to pain in my knee, i took a break from training for 3 months
I resumed my activities, at first it was just a bit achy around the front and side of my knee after activity but gradually got worse to the point i coud feel myself compensating with the other leg i feel the need to click it every ten minutes, cant sit down longer than 15 minutes with knee bent, really uncomforable, i can't do a full squat, jump or get up from the floor with my left knee, i also have a really weird visible cluncking and the outside of my knee.
I was referred to the physio in june this year, told him my main problems he didn't seem to know what was wrong, first he thought fad pad impingement then patellar tendonitis, which he's been treating me for, i've had 3 ultrasound treatments and was giving single leg squats off a step, 3 sets of 10 and quad strenghtening with a theraband,after 3 weeks there was a little improvement so was also told to do 7 days ibuprofen and lay off my sports again for another 4 weeks,
Midway thru he thought itb for the weird clunking catching thing, but it tested negative and when he couldn't manually reproduce it with me sitting or lying more than once he seemed confused as it happens everytime i'm stood on one leg flexing and extending my leg it made me feel like i was deliberatly doing it 
I had another session today and i seemed to have gone backwards doing no activity seems to have taken me back to square one he said we can adopt the wait and see approach or he can refere me to one of his colleagues, which could take quite a while, i'm so frustrated, footy season starts soons and the british karate titles are in october
If anyone has any ideas whats this could be please post, thanks
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