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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Post Broken Femur. Quads are partially disfunctional.

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I broke my femur twenty one days ago. I fractured it about three inches down from my hip joint; the upper portion of the bone was pushed outwards and the lower portion was pushed up beside it. I had surgery done the same day. A rod was put in my leg and three screws to secure it, and it feels as good as new most of the time.

    My problem is that when I try to lift my leg, my quads can only pull it about half way, and If I bend my lower leg past 120 degrees there is an extreme tension in my quadriceps. ( when sitting )
    -side note. When lifting it, this is with my lower leg hanging straight towards the ground. If my lower leg is straight with my upper leg, then I can barely lift it at all. I'm assuming this will get better in a few weeks but I'm looking for some input none the less.

    -Are there some exercises to help the muscles?
    Most of them can not take much weight, and as a whole can only support half my body weight with my knee at 15 degrees or less. I do my best not to put weight on the leg, though it IS weight bearing. I was told that it should hold my entire body weight, broken or not.

    -could this be do to contusions caused by the break?
    I think I landed on my side when I hit the ground, but the bone may have dug in, I haven't much clue.

    -What is the average healing time for a clean fracture of the femur for a healthy male between 15 to 18?

    -What might be the expected time before I can walk without the aid of crutches if I am already three weeks in?

    I'm open to all input. This matter interests me very much. ( I'm a curious person )

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    Re: Broken Femur. Quads are partially disfunctional.


    femur to heal fully in a healthy person... you're looking at in and around three months really.

    studies have shown that if a fit and healthy person doesnt activate a muscle (say your quads) they will lose approximately 2% of muscle mass daily. you obviously have been activating to some extent but you will have a lot of weakness. pain also leads to inhibition of muscle activity which leads to weakness. you'l also have to strengthen the muscles round your hip too and your hamstrings.

    you should be walking well enough in a couple of weeks provided you do the right exercises.

    have you been referred to a physical therapist?

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    Re: Broken Femur. Quads are partially disfunctional.

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    I have been keeping my leg moving a fair amount.
    ex. walking around and moving my leg as I usually would when walking, but only applying around half my weight to it.
    The pain is most evident when there is tension on the quads, as stated, but it gets much less noticeable throughout the day. ( If I keep the leg moving )

    As for physical therapy, or physical therapists.. I was in for physical therapy for about a half hour total during my stay in the hospital. I was given a sheet of various exercises to do, but none of them involve my quadriceps.

    I'm going in in a few days to see a local doctor to have my stitches looked at, and I will ask him about it too.

    As a side note: three days after the break, my quadriceps would not work at all. So they are significantly improved, but still not up to spec.

    Thanks for the quick reply.


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