Brief Medical History Overview
Broken Femur. Quads are partially disfunctional.

I broke my femur twenty one days ago. I fractured it about three inches down from my hip joint; the upper portion of the bone was pushed outwards and the lower portion was pushed up beside it. I had surgery done the same day. A rod was put in my leg and three screws to secure it, and it feels as good as new most of the time.
My problem is that when I try to lift my leg, my quads can only pull it about half way, and If I bend my lower leg past 120 degrees there is an extreme tension in my quadriceps. ( when sitting )
-side note. When lifting it, this is with my lower leg hanging straight towards the ground. If my lower leg is straight with my upper leg, then I can barely lift it at all. I'm assuming this will get better in a few weeks but I'm looking for some input none the less.
-Are there some exercises to help the muscles?
Most of them can not take much weight, and as a whole can only support half my body weight with my knee at 15 degrees or less. I do my best not to put weight on the leg, though it IS weight bearing. I was told that it should hold my entire body weight, broken or not.
-could this be do to contusions caused by the break?
I think I landed on my side when I hit the ground, but the bone may have dug in, I haven't much clue.
-What is the average healing time for a clean fracture of the femur for a healthy male between 15 to 18?
-What might be the expected time before I can walk without the aid of crutches if I am already three weeks in?
I'm open to all input. This matter interests me very much. ( I'm a curious person ) 
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