Brief Medical History Overview
Hip bursitis - please help!

I have been suffering with hip pain for the past 4 weeks now. I've actually had discomfort in my hip for the past few months but it has been largely ignorable, until a few weeks ago when walking became too painful.
I am a 22 year old female and quite active, walking 20 minutes to and from work each day. I assume that it is this repetitive exercise which has led to the bursitis, as my x-ray and blood tests came back normal.
My GP initially suggested ibuprofen and paracetomol, which did not work, then prescribing stronger painkillers - diclophenac and co-codamol to make walking 'virtually pain-free'. I'm concerned that walking is the problem and masking the pain will not help long-term. I know diclophenac is an
anti-inflammatory, so this is more than just a painkiller, but it still concerns me.
Any advice would be much appreciated, as the pain is really getting me down now. I have stopped my daily walk, which I really enjoy, and am now getting public transport which is becoming very expensive. It's not feasible to stop walking but I would like this to be sorted asap.
One thing I have noticed is that my 'iliotibial band' (you can tell I've been reading up!) does seem very tight. I have been limping a lot, which I think has tensed the muscles in my leg - I assume this isn't helping! I have tried stretches and self-massage and have begun a pilates dvd for stretching - is this a good idea? I wanted to check as I know pilates is recommended for avoiding problems, but I still consider myself in recovery, as I still have pain.
Any advice really is appreciated,
Thanks so much for your time,
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