Hello All,
I am a 50 year old female, fit/healthy although haven’t done any regular exercise for 15 years or so. I have no history of any back related problems. 2 years ago I had a couple of brief episodes of mild pain in the back of my right buttock when turning over in bed which may or may not be related.Up until the start of my problems I did spend considerable amount of time sat in front of the PC and had a desk job for 20+ years.
Four months ago pain started in my right calf with pain starting in my right buttock a month or so later together with pins and needles, tingling in right calf and foot. Now I have a deep “sore” type pain in the side of my buttock and a continual deep cramp like pain in my calf causing a limp. At worst I also get pain in the front right hand side towards the groin area, in my lower back on the right hand side and my right foot. The tingling, pins and needles have gone, although when I sneeze a sharp pain does still shoot down my leg to my foot.
The pain is worse when lying down, either on my back or my good side and driving also aggravates it as it is the “accelerator” leg. Sitting is also painful.
Went to GP in April who ordered pelvic, spine lumbar x-rays. Results were:
- Slightly relative left hip joint space narrowing
- SI joints normal
- Grade 1 anterior listhesis on L5 on S1 with suggestion of bilateral pars interarticularis defects
- Slight disc space narrowing a the L5-S1 level
Pending referral to a spine consultant I self-funded a lumbar spine MRI in June. Results were:
-Hyperlordosis but no scoliosis
-Grade 1 lytic spondylolisthesis at L5/S1 with signs of degenerate disc but no signs of any acute instability. However disc is bulging significantly into the right outlet foramen likely to cause severe right L5 nerve root impingement
-Atrophy of the paraspinal muscle bulk
I attempted to get clarification from the radiologist whether the MRI evidenced actual nerve root compression but he replied “ you have a disc bulge which is likely to cause nerve compression but these scans are never conclusive… such disc bulges can go back on their own although it can take up to a year. However, in the presence of the spondylolisthesis the disc deformity is likely to be permanent.”
Treatment – The pain, certainly not excruciating, is manageable with regular ibuprofen. I do use ice, when needed, and I do extension exercise, but not regularly as sometimes this can aggravate things. Before having the MRI I did have 3 sessions with a sports therapist (massage, pelvic alignment) which did help at the time but in view of the MRI results we agreed to stop treatment pending me seeing a specialist.
My symptoms would suggest a compressed L5 nerve root but with all the other stuff going on I wonder if there’s another or contributory explanation? I am hoping it looks worse than it actually is! I am seeing a spine consultant on 10th August but in the meantime it would be really helpful to have any opinions. Also any advice on self-treatment exercises, stretching, etc. I am making a conscious effort with my posture: standing/sitting correctly, not bending forward from the waist and generally trying to keep as upright as possible. Thank you.
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