Brief Medical History Overview
MCL tear after 5 months

I injured my medial collateral ligament in February. Slipped in the snow, foot went sideways while knee stayed still, putting a valgus bend on the joint. Pain straightaway, prety bad, physio for a few weeks (very limited on the NHS) and it improved a lot.
However, my recovery seems to have plateau'd after about 6 weeks. I can walk and cycle (I ride road and mountain bikes a lot) without trouble. I have a full range of movement.
The joint seems to seize up when still. This happens in any position, sitting lying down, standing up. The pain at night can be enough to wake me. During the day I consciously try to keep the joint moving to prevent pain. If it's still for 20 minutes or more, it'll be painful when I try to move it and will gradually ease off.
There is a small area of extreme tenderness of the medial surface of the head of the tibia. If I lie on my side in bed, one knee touching the other is painful.
The joint feels unstable. Walking on uneven ground sometimes causes strong pain on the medial aspect of the knee. I haven't dared run more than a few strides as the joint feels very wobbly. I also get pain in the joint very quickly, eg running across the road. Any slight sideways load on the knee is very painful around the area of the MCL.
Does all of this sound normal for an MCL injury at 5 months or should I be seeking some further help?
My GP thinks I need to see an orthopaedic surgeon. I have no problem with that but don't want to waste anyone's time if this is all just pretty normal and will get better with time.
I'd be really grateful for any advice. Just looking for a "don't worry, it's all normal" or a "crikey, I'd get that looked at if I were you". 
(I'm 34 years old, 175lb and in good health)
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