Brief Medical History Overview
Facet Join Neck Pain. Help Please?

I work as a white water canoe instructor in the South of France with children and spend a lot of time rescuing them from the water and then rescuing their boats.
Just over a month ago I started to get a stabbing pain in my neck that radiated through my shoulders and was told by the local French doctor that it was just a pulled msucle and given anti-inflammatries, muscle relaxants, sedatives and paracetamol as well as a neck brace. But was considered fit to carry on working by him. However none of this seemed to help (although I probably didn't help myself by carrying on with work)
I came home for a week for an interview and went to see my local GP, who decided that the medication and neck brace were not of any use and that he wouldn't have prescribed them for me and booked me in for an appointment with the physiotherapist.
My appointment was this morning and after 10 minutes of being poked and prodded I was told I had a
facet joint problem and my muscles were tensing up to protect it when I was rescuing children from the water which is why I was in so much pain sometimes and relatively none at other times. She recommended ibuprofen and nothing else but said I wasn't fit for work and if it was still painful to go back and see her in a month.
I was wondering if there are any exercises I can do to help my neck rather than just masking the pain with ibuprofen as I really would like to get back out on the rivers as soon as is possible.
Is there anything I can try to help my neck or should I just leave it alone and go back and see her in a month?
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