Brief Medical History Overview
Clicking Shoulder Pain

Hi Everyone,
I am currently 20 years old and having some distressing shoulder issues and appreciate if anyone can help please!
I have noticed that ever since I've been doing plank evercises (on forearms and toes and straighten up back) to increase my core stability, my shoulders have begun to click. The clicking was initially minimal and not painful whenever I do shoulder elevation, it happens with the L and R shoulder.
I have been doing the planks for about a month daily, possibily 3-5 times a day. I have stopped doing so and it has been one month now, but the clicks is progressively worsening in frequency and it has been more and more painful, to a point where I am beginning to have pain when carrying bags and taking
anti-inflammatory meds.
The click occurs mostly when elevating pass 90 degrees (abduction and flexion), but now even notice it with less than 90 degrees elevation. Pain is diffuse and vague, can be anteriorly of the shoulders, or posteriorly where the supraspinatus mm. bulk is. and sometimes radiates around the deltoid mm.
I'm definite that I currently do not have biceps tendinopathy, and negative Empty Can Test result for both side. When I palpate my shoulder as I elevate, the clicking varies in location, sometimes at the AC joint, sometimes its deep in the joint.
I fear mostly that it may be anterior labral tear?? Because the plank exercises have been stressing my biceps a lot? Is that even possible?
I am also sure that it is from the plank exercise as I am not involved in any other leisure activities, or doing anything that involves over-head throwing etc.
Please if anyone have any ideas!
Thanks so much for your time.
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