Brief Medical History Overview
Do I have a Bicep Brachii Tendon Tear

Here are some pictures if that is of any help. They are mainly of the left arm but there is one or two of the right arm: ImageShack Album - 6 images
About a month ago I was in the gym doing rope crunches (where you hold the rope above your head and crunch down) and felt something sort of pop in my right bicep. I tried doing a few more and kept feeling this popping sensation. Never really thought anything of it. Was in the gym yesterday doing assisted overhand wide-grip pull-ups, with very light resistance, and I felt what I believe to be that same sensation a felt a month ago, but this time I think (memory not too good) it was in both arms (well at the very least it was in the left arm this time). I think I managed a few reps then as I go to pull-up just felt this excruciating pain and so I thought it wise to stop what I was doing.
Whilst I am on the computer typing this now I can feel sort of twitching every now and then in the left arm, and is seems as though it more close to the shoulder than the elbow. I can also feel a bit of tension in the shoulder.
Is there any sure way I can know whether it is a tendon tear? Is there any test I can perform? Is it possible that it could be something else? Something less serious maybe? Should I see someone? Who? My doctor? The hospital? A physiotherapist? An orthopedist? Will I need to get surgery? I sure hope not. My biggest fear in life is being "opened up" by some guy with scissors and other tools. I have never been "opened up" and would love for it to stay that way.
Should I be staying away from all back exercises in the gym, as these tend to put the most tension on the tendon as my back can handle heavy weights but biceps cannot.
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