I am trying to train for soccer so three weeks ago I started training really hard. I should have started training earlier, so I felt as though I needed to push myself hard, which might have lead to over training.
In June I had been working out my legs and running about two times a week. then I went on vacation and only ran a few times in July, when I started training again in August, I did sprints and plyometrics during the day, then lifted(leg lifts), at night, then the next day I ran 3 miles, then I took a day off, then the next day I did interval training in morning and ran about three miles at night, this day I was feeling a burning feeling in the areas around my patella but I didn't think much of it. then the next day I ran again and it was hurting much worse, so I stopped. I took 3 days off, and then did sprints. The sprints didn't hurt my knee at all so I decided to run on the treadmill with a consistent speed. It felt fine at first but after about a mile and a half the pain came back, so I got on a bike instead, and it has been going on like this for the last two weeks. I can do a bunch of moving around, playing soccer and etc, but as soon as I do consistent running it starts hurting right below the knee(top of the tibia) after about 15 minutes or so, and my patella(knee cap) burns a little. I realize it's the area which usually hurts when you have osgood-schlatter, but I'm 20 years old(male)....advice please?

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