Brief Medical History Overview
general muscle tightness and weaknes in whole body

hi im new here let me explain my history of problems first
im 30 years old 6 ft 1 and 14 st 8 now but my problems began at 18 years old i played so much football was so skinny and active but was unaware of stretching and recovery and as a result developed osgood schlater syndrome in my knee at the time where my knee clicked and inflamed my patella i was told this was due to my hamstrings being over powerd by my over devloped thigh muscle.this caused me to stop playing.i remained unactive for a few years untill i started playing basketball but had to stop because my muscles would ache deeply for 5 to 7 days after so i began a stretching routine daily which has helped me immensley flexability and recovery improved but i knew i still had to incorparate i began to see a physio had sports massage which was painfull at first but eventually broke down some of my tightness.unfortunatley i lost my job and could no longer pay for treatment.but i continued to stretch and do body weight resistance work which made me a little stronger in everyday life..then once i was working again i sustained a back injury due to lift ing a heavy item at work i started chiropractor treatment who began to re align me cracking my back neck then a few years ago i decided i wanted to get back into sport as i missed it n still had a passion for it.things wer going well in last years pre season light jogging etc stretching and weights.had my first game and all was well untill late second half i stretched for a ball to make a tackle n felf my calf cramp n it spasmed up on me i stretched it n tried to continue then 5 mins later the other calf did the same so i called it a day n came offf n stretched and iced it..a few days later i was feeling fine and i got up from my computer chair and my back gave in and had shooting pain in lower back only when i moved i had to be helped to my feet and to my girfreinds where i relaxed but knew i had to try get up again toilet etc work next day ...neway i tried and i failed it increased the pain in my lower back region and i layed on the floor for 12 hours eventually i had pain killers in my system prescribed via the doctor over the phone and i could move with a lot less pain so i got to the chiro practors and had treatment and came out walking upright again..this is when i decided i am fully commited to sort this out i dont throug internet research i beleive i have a specific problem to one area i beleive i have multiple problems throughout my 6 months ago i had a bio mechanical assesment and gait analysis and as a result was given advice to have orthotics customed as body leaned to one side so i did i was told that i under pronated and dis could be part otf the problem causing my muscle imbalances throughout my body i have got used to them now in my shoes etc and i feel alot more now i want to adresse my muscle condition identify imbalances and correct them thats why im writing on here i would like advice on how to go about this i have already done a few muscle tests and i appear to be stronger and more flexable on my left side as in my hamstrings quads calfs shoulder and tighter and weaker on my right side especially in the hip abductors and lower back even though im right handed and right footed... i was thinking of starting with core work such as bridges planks ab crunches leg raises supermans and general stability ball work and sum resistance bands routine including
rotator cuff work a swell as full body stretching including lower back hamstrings quads neck shoulder hip glutes also i will have massage 3 times a week as i have done for last 6 months and found this loosens me up for a few days i plan to use ice cup treatment for those more tender areas to help with recovery like my inner thighs and calfs is this the correct way to go should i do light jogging also or stick to the bike i just need a plan of action to adresss my issues while i can before i devlop something serious thanks for your time and advice in advance sorry for the long post but just trying to give as much information as possible.peter s
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