I'd be really grateful for any advice on managing suprapatellar bursitis.

I had a mountain biking fall and injured my knee about 9 weeks ago. There's a fluid-filled swelling above my knee which still hurts. The GP gave standard advice of "RICE".

I've given up running for 9 weeks, cycling for two weeks, and i've been taking ibuprofen for the past two weeks - with no real improvement in my limp.

I am not sure what exercises to do/avoid - tried exercising the quads but this made it hurt more.

The other thing i'd like to know, is a rough idea of when to go back to the GP for further referral for orthopaedic advice, as it's not getting better... maybe i'm just being very impatient but i find it very hard not cycling, as it's how i get around - I would hate it to become chronic.

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