Brief Medical History Overview
Fifth metatarsal recovery

Please help me with any advice you may have about my situation-
I broke my 5th metatarsal 3/jul/2010, as a result of rolling over on my left ankle, X ray confirmed a non displaced diaphyseal Jones type fracture.
A walking cast was applied with instructions to walk on it as pain allowed.
The cast was removed yesterday 17/aug/2010, i was amazed at the muscle waste to my calf and foot ! I also had pain in the ankle and heel area. I was given physio instructions that consisted of improving the flexibility of my ankle and progressive weight bearing.
As a result of pain in the original fracture site I revistited the hospital, worried that I may have damaged the repaired bone. X ray revealed that the fracture was fully healed, but that the pain I was feeling was soft tissue damage, I was further informed that I had to crawl before walking and to take it easy. I was re assured and left the hospital.
My questions are -
1/ How slow do I take things,
2/ what sort of excersices will benefit me, I thought a static bike
3/ I'm still using 2 crutches, how long before I go onto just 1
4/ when can I drive, assuming my left foot is the clutch pedal, I've tried it on the drive and get no pain (or cramp which I was cursed with in the cast)
Any replies would be greatly welcomed.
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