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    Plate on my Radius

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hi, I broke my radius about a month ago downhill biking and had surgery. They put a plate in just where the radius meets the rest of my wrist. (Haven't seen any x-rays of it.) I have most of the original movement back but I can't seem to bend my wrist very far forward or backward. I also have limited side to side action. For example, if I am standing up I can't place my hand flat on a table. Is it just too early in the healing process? I can't even force it to go backwards. Is it possible that the plate is preventing me from completing these movements? Just wondering if anyone has some physiotherapy ideas that may help me regain full movement.

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    Re: Plate on my Radius

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    It's all just a bit early. It is very unlikely the plate is preventing movement. It all sounds very normal. One thing to consider is that the length of the radius is longer at the wrist when compared to the ulnar bone. The radial length can be shortened following a fracture with displacement. If this is the case the the wrist bones themselves will need a longer period of time for them to settle into a new position as they contact the radius and ulnar.

    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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