Brief Medical History Overview
bi-lat PF syndrome, arthroscopy
Hi all,
Last year, after countless specialists and tests I was diagnosed with bi-lat PF syndrome and tracking issues due to muscle wastage on the inside of the thigh and therefore over-compensation on the outside thigh muscle.
Since that diagnosis I have had a year and a half's worth of intense physiotherapy, and in April this year I had a lateral release arthroscopy on my left knee.
We are now five-ish months on, and although my surgeon and physios have been satisfied with the progress that I have made, I still have pain inside the knee when I walk up/down hills/stairs, I can not run or jump anymore and there is a general ache inside the knee constantly. There is still some swelling on the knee. I am only seventeen and desperate to know if pain is common this late on or if the surgery has not worked 100% for me.
Thanks in advance 
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