Brief Medical History Overview
Recurrent Hamstring tear/strain post ACLr using hamstring tendon

I am looking to know if anyone has experienced something similar to my ACLr rehab...
Background: I am 29 years old, very active, past 400m runner.
May 15th I had an ACL reconstruction using my semitendinosus and gracilis tendons (hamstring tendon).
The rehab went fine until week 5: First injury- I was doing an exercise for the hamstring - pushing the leg back, and I felt a snapping sensation, the PT told me it was an adhesion and to lower the intensity. The next day my hamstring were burning, the distal part (behind the knee) was extremely irritated and I could barely walk. The PT did some taping and I took it easy, a week after I felt a stabbing sensation in the middle of my hamstring during my sleep - I had a few days of cramping while sleeping (this is brutal), by that time there were bruises signs at my distal medial part of the hamstring and the distal lateral part of the hamstring (both sides behind the knee). I went to my surgeon, he told me that this happens - since the hamstring is weak it sometimes gets tears in the other part of the hamstring as they compensate for the missing tendon.
During the last 4 weeks (weeks 12-16) I was feeling fine - I had alot of hamstring work done in PT and was running for 2 weeks, and thought that the hamstrings were fine.
A week ago: Second injury - I went for a light jog - after 2 minutes I felt a snapping sensation in my distal hamstrings (behind the knee) - the PT told me that it is adhesion (again), the day after I had trouble walking - but it wasn't as bad as the last time - A week after I am walking just fine - The hamstring are still irritated (they felt sore in the first few days).
After the second injury, I felt like I am going crazy (lot's of frustration), I did an ultrasound test and I need to take it to a good radiologist - it is hard to decipher, I am still really amazed by the fact that something like this happens twice - can anybody think of an explanation? Did someone experienced anything similar?
Could this be a painful adhesion as the PT says? Maybe is it over-training? In any case I am really frustrated as my rehab will suffer now - I will not be able to runs soon due to the weakness of the hamstring (this is what I think).
Any comments would be greatly appreciated! thanks....
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