Brief Medical History Overview
Groin pain and upper leg joint pain.

I am 22 and 2 weeks ago I sustained an injury to my groin and upper thigh during a competitive football match. Although I can still take part in sports but not at 100% effectiveness I am concerned at making my injury worse and want to try and hit it on the head before this happens. It seems as though I have two separate injuries.
My groin area feels extremely tight, I have been doing easy exercises which work predominantly the groin area just to see if it will loosen, however it has not. When i use my groin to push against an object I get a large amount of pain in my groin and when i am climbing steep stairs I can feel my groin is tight. I do not think it is anything too serious, however does anyone have any tips which my aid in loosening my groin and make me match fit again?
My second injury in the same leg, but upper thigh again is not so serious, but present enough that I feel I must try and sort out the problem before it gets worse. When i try to lift my knee up, i get a pain in my upper thigh and it feels weak. Similarly, when i lower my leg my lower back clicks. I tried again to do easy exercises to strengthen, lying down on my back straight and raising my leg straight up, but again I have a slight pain and a click when my leg is lowered.
Any help or advise would be hugely appreciated.
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