Brief Medical History Overview
SIJ problem - Any help would be appreciated
I am new to this forum and want to start by saying hi. My name is April and I would love some advice/opinions. To start, I had a D&E on 8/25, for which I was under general anesthesia. I was discharged that evening, still full of narcotics, and literally walked inside my home and to my bed. I awoke at 6 AM the following day unable to walk on my own. I saw an ortho who diagnosed an
SIJ problem, gave me a Medrol dose pack and sent me home. 4 days after beginning the steroids I was in so much pain I thought I was dying, called his office and Robaxin was called in....which was no help at all. I had excruciating pain for 2 weeks, and after taking Robaxin for a couple of days I then sought out a physiatrist. He also said SIJ dysfunction with a ligament tear, injected muscles, the SI joint, and the trochanter with Depo-Medrol, and gave me pain meds....both of which helped, but I am still unable to walk without crutches. I have been in therapy now receiving ultrasound and light pelvic strengthening exercises, but am having intermittent bouts of moderate to severe pain in the upper SIJ area and at the L trochanter. I had a
MRI of the lumbar spine which showed two annular tears, but no herniation. It sounds crazy, but I was hoping for a herniation, surgery, and then to recover in 6 weeks. I have no clue what has actually happened to me, and since this has been going on for over a month now, I am wondering if it seems like the diagnosis is correct of a ligament tear and SIJ dysfunction. I am wearing the SI belt religiously...only taking it off to shower, and am still having quite a bit of pain...primarily at the trochanter and the inner portion of the iliac crest/upper SIJ if my anatomy is correct. Can anyone tell me what might have happened and I am on the right track with the therapy and just waiting this out to improve???? I really want to get back to walking again without crutches, to go back to work, be able to care for my young son, and get on with my life! Please help!!
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Last edited by April RN; 29-09-2010 at 07:03 PM.
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