My case is currently being reviewed at a sports medicine conference. The sports medicine doctor I was seeing is out of ideas. Any suggestions you might have for recovery would be great.
My background:
I am a runnning/cross country coach, 34, who has not been able to run since April of 2009 due to ever increasing groin pain. I used to run 20-30 miles a week and ran a half marathon in late March. It made for a mentally challenging cross country season this year, but I am determined to find an answer.
My symptoms:
The pain in my groin was first diagnosed as a strained adducter caused by overuse. (Although in looking at my running log, it might have been from deep lunges during a workout.) No sports hernia. The pain has gotten increasingly more painful the less I have pushed it. I used to "test" the injury once a week. Initially I could run 3 miles once a week before the pain. The last time I tested it I could run only a few minutes. I have not run for 6 weeks to "test" it any longer. I have pain walking long distances, mowing the lawn, etc. I have pain in the morning. It feels like a pitch when I twist over to get out of bed in my groin. I can't kick a soccer ball or do any quick movements (A challenge when I am also the asst. soccer coach for my 5 year old son). Swimming and biking are okay.
What I have tried:
I have done PT stretches for 10 weeks, ultrasound therapy (twice a week), deep tissue massage, hot baths, daily heat pad 10 minutes in AM and PM. I do low impact cross training. I even tried one of those small hand held ultrasound machines (sent it back). Did an xray (no arthritis, no fracture). Did anMRI of groin. Groin actually looks good.
Possible theories:
L1 or L2 vertabrae issues? Doing an MRI of lower back (Will have results in a week). Seems like a long shot since there is no tingling or numbness. Pain only present when in use along the left inner thigh/glute. It looks and feels like an adducter strain yet the MRI suggests otherwise. This is what has the sports doctor stumped. When I squeese a basketball between knees I definitely feel it. If I hop and cross over, the pain is there. If I stand up from a kneeling position on my left leg, it's painful. When I do hip flexor leg stretches on my side and turn over, the pain is also there. Did a gait analysis with PT and things look good except for slight pronation on the left side. I wear Asics 2140s to correct this problem. Have for a long time. Running looks pretty good on a treadmill.
Possible therapies?
Have not tried the graston technique or acupunture. Not sure what to do next. Have tried lots of stretches (Still stretch and apply heat two times a day). I follow PT to the letter. (theraband, foam roller, etc.) The therapist said she was out of ideas and suggested I just don't "test" my running once a week. It's been 6 weeks since I have. No improvement. If anything, the pain in the morning seems increased. Would love suggestions on the next step.
Thanks in advance.
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