2 weeks ago when playing football I was running at full tilt and the goalie came out and clattered into my leg. The initial pain was awful but after a bit of ice spray I got up. As soon as I stood on it there was a sharp pain on the outer side of my lower leg, seemingly between my calf and shin. I played on, stupidly, and on way home the pain was about an 8.5/10. No bruising came up and the day after it was aching but not bad enough to go to the docs. There are now two places where it hurts - on the inside of the lower leg about halfway up, on the bone. That part is quite tender to touch so I'm guessing it's just a bruise (which has never showed itself!) but it's the other bit that's the problem, causing immense pain when trying to exercise. It's a sharp pain inside my leg, on the outerside, if that makes sense. I've tried football training twice since, but haven't been able to do all exercises and had to stop. That was probably a bad idea, but I thought it may hold up. It's just put me back to square one each time. The force of the ball hitting my foot/me hitting the ball increases pain. Even springing up the stairs/walking down them is very difficult, it just exacerbates the pain. I'm completely resting it now, icing and heating (I don't know which I should be doing?!) What could it be?

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