Brief Medical History Overview
Inner Thigh pain (cramp) from groin down to outside of same foot with sudden glucose loss to brain

Last night I was lying on the floor and needed to get up. During this process I got a sudden TERRIBLE pain in my right thigh starting at the groin and continuing to my knee area. When I tried to stand on the leg and straighten it out, the leg simply collapsed. I was unable to straighten the knee myself. Suddenly in the midst of all this I got a "fainting/shock" reaction where my brain and hearing clouded over with profuse perspiration. It felt like a combination of a faint and a bad hypoglycemic attack. I had my husband bring me some jelly and a spoon and after a few minutes this feeling passed and my brain and hearing came back. I had my husband lift and straighten my knee/leg and turn my foot so that the heel was pointed out and my toes facing straight ahead. This seemed to help relieve the pain but the cramp did not subside. Finally, the cramp seemed to lessen and I was able to walk. But the pain and cramp came back when I sat in bed with my legs straight out. So I got up and stood on the leg and again the pain and cramp seemed to lessen. Lying in bed, it felt like it would cramp again for about 30 min. Finally I fell asleep but was awakened twice with the pain and cramp during the night. Each time I got out of bed and stood on the leg to lessen the pain and cramp. It feels like this cramp is connected to my lower back. When I touch my lower back on the right side by the spine below my waist, I have pain - sharp pain. Today, it feels sore every where. Can you help me figure out what happened, what muscles/tendons are involved and some idea how to avoid this in the future? Thank you very much.
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