dear sparrow...
at 20 with all these problems? has anyone tried to give you a diagnosis/ any blood tests ever done?...this problem in the family?
I am a big bag of joints that have been deteriorating since puberty. I'm 20 now and have flat feet, shin splints, IBT syndrome, hyper mobile knees, very weak calves/hamstrings/core muscle stability. Could you please recommend some helpful exercises to aid my muscles and stop them from overcompensating for my out turned hips/inturned knees etc, especially for the core muscle stability. Thank you so much in advance!
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dear sparrow...
at 20 with all these problems? has anyone tried to give you a diagnosis/ any blood tests ever done?...this problem in the family?
Hi Dr. Damien, thanks for replying so quickly! I've never had any blood tests, no, my mum has had carpal tunnel syndrome (which I know can be connected to hypermobility) and my father has ankylosing spondylitis but apart from that there isn't anything. (I forgot to mention that I overpronate, but I suppose that follows from the flat feet). I've had orthoses before and am due some more but need the muscle strength to support the "new arches".