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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Question Symptoms exacerbated by Traction

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hi, 5 years ago I was diagnosed with a herniated disc at C5-C6. I had the classic symtoms-pins and needles and/or numbness down right arm to thumb and forefinger.Painful shoulder and muscles around scapula etc. Numerous visits with a Physiotherapist did not help.The symptoms went away after 4 visits with an osteopath. They returned and this time 5 visits with a chiropractor and I was relieved of the symptoms. They returned 6 visits with a chiro, no relief but a visit with a myotherapist who adjusted my hips and no more symptoms! They returned. I went back to the original osteopath thinking I will get on top of this as the symptoms were mild and only with a particular movement, but three viists later and the nerve was very easily aggravated. So I started going to our local physio who suggested traction. I was keen on this idea. Two session and the symtoms settled so that I wasnt constantly uncomfortable but my after last session of traction I ended up with pins and needles and numbness and pain all the time even when lying down which was usually the position that gave me some relief.
    Sooo what does this mean? What has happened to cause this problem and will it go away?I was hoping traction would be my answer in the future and a good way to maintain but can it damage the nerve or the disc or the vertebrae?
    Thanks and looking forward to some answers.

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    Re: Symptoms exacerbated by Traction

    Dear Zengarden

    Thats rather unfortunate... often before we consider a treatment, we test to see if the treatment will be effective then reassess...did you have manual traction or mechanical traction (traction with equipment not hands). manual traction should be tested to see if any form of traction will ease symptoms...before full on treatment of traction is given...

    Im far more concerned why you keep getting the problem...you did not mention how long it takes from recovery to return of symptoms...?

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    Re: Symptoms exacerbated by Traction

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Thanks so much for replying
    I had mechanical traction. The first two sessions of traction left me feeling fine. No adverse after effects at all. The third session like the first two sessions,which went for 20min, involved alternating a heavy weight with a light weight, but this time he increased the time the heavy weight was on from 30sec to 45sec.
    The symptoms recur usually annually and I think I can confidently say that it is becauses of increased work load and/or stress and/or poor posture. I usually have the symptoms for about 3 months and the a 12month break.
    From your reply it sounds like this is not a common response to traction?

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