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    vestibular physio north staffs/cheshire area

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I have been suffering from dizziness for 2 years now & have been unable to see a physio trained in vestibular problems. I am willing to go private but finding it really difficult finding info of any vestibular trained physios in [/IMG]y area. Any advice?

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    Re: vestibular physio north staffs/cheshire area

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Dear Roundabout

    when did you dizziness start? is it constant?
    How are you sure its a vestibular problem?
    Do you have the feeling of the room spinning around you or the feeling of the floor moving when you trying to do an activity?
    what activity is that...?
    when do you get dizzy?...i.e looking up, looking down, turning your head? if turning your head makes your symptoms worse? which side is greater...?
    how is your blood pressure?
    are you on any medications...that could make you dizzy?
    what makes your dizziness better? i.e positions, movements...etc...
    what help have you tried for this problem...
    do you have any ear problems? or any previous ear issues?
    does you dizziness have a cyclic pattern? I.e periods when its bad and periods when you almost feel normal in a year..
    Have you ever had a sudden drop or fall to the floor without any known reason?
    had any falls?
    How has this problem affected your general way of living?
    Do you get any nausea, feeling of sickness, any feeling of fullness in your ears?

    Vestibular conditions required specialist attention really...some vestibular conditions have a quick fix to the problem, others respond well to exercises over a period of many weeks, some especially if its central and chronic may not respond at all, and if they do they seem to take forever...One example of a dizziness problem that is unlikely to change with vestibular rehabilitaion is menneire's disease.

    you can contact the chartered society of physiotherapists by looking up their website...

    Vestibular rehabilitation - Neurology groups - Clinical interest and occupational groups - Groups and networks - Members - The CSP
    there are physios on there with a special interest in vestibular disorders ... you can get some good advice from them or perhaps be able to contact one within your area...

    Generally the management of vestibular disorders with exercises involve constantly exposing yourself to movements that seem to bring up your symptoms, in a graded but progressive exercise regime until you habituate to these symptoms. that is you no longer get them when you carry out these activities, its often better to get guidance from a physio so that you are pinning down a prescise diagnosis to your dizziness...It is possible to make your dizziness worse without good diagnosis...and to make matters more complicated neck and postural pains can occur...for example, if your diseases is as a result of a detached otholith, carrying out exercises without good diagnosis will worsen it...

    If you reply to the above questions...we might be able to tell you what the problem might be...
    however id advocate that you contact a real life physio as this area needs a very precise assessment that you cannot get over this forum...

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