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    What's it called?

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I have traced a year long suffering of muscular imbalances on one side of my body to my big toe not working properly. I've been to countless chrio's, osteos and physios but have largely had to rely on my own research to get anywhere. But I'm stuck as to how to research this further.

    Essentially when I roll forward on my right foot, my big toe does not take the weight as it does on the left foot. I suspect that due to wearing shoes too small for my feet, my big toe has been squashed out of line and thusly inhibited, probably for years. Perhaps this lack of use has flattened my arch. I say this as my toe does function, but only when that side of my foot is propped up (i.e. big toe side of foot propped up on a thin book), otherwise weight just rolls onto the bone without support which isn't good.

    I've noticed that without this pressure on the big toe the glute does not fire as if there is a communicative relationship between the two. Anyway, lack of glute = tight low back which has lead to back pain and breathing inhibition.

    Anyway I want to research the causes and solutions a bit more but don't really know any terms for the above long-winded description... what could I look up on google?
    Also do you know of any similar forums to this one but that have a specific podiatry section where this post might be more appropriate?
    Incidentally, if you have come across this before would you recommend temporary orthotics or a strengtheing exercise regime? I'm really hoping I won't need permanent orthotics and that it's just a case of strengthening up my big toe/ arch so I'm not going to encourage that response!

    Apologies if the post is confusing, just ask if so. Thanks.

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    Re: What's it called?

    as i understand from your post that you have drop big toe.as my experience these type of cases.put some elastic around your big toe like u hold both end in your hand slowly pull up and big toe down against the elastic force repeat this many times in a day.in few days you will fell power in your big toe.make it cover against cold.
    Some massage with olive oil.

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    Re: What's it called?

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    It sounds like orthoses and strengthening would be appropriate. You would be good to see a physio with experience in foot and ankle biomechanics or go to a podiatrist.

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