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Thread: Hip pain

  1. #1
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    Hip pain

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hi, I hope someone can help.

    I get terrible hip pain after lying/sitting with my right leg bent and out to the side. It feels as if I cannot bring my leg back into position - even trying to straighten and relax my leg is painful. Thankfully, the pain seems to wear off after about 10 minutes. If I try to get up and walk before the pain wears off, I find that I cannot put any weight onto my leg. I am hoping that this is some sort of muscle problem and that there is some sort of exercise I can do to alleviate these symptoms.

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    Re: Hip pain

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Dear prickly bug
    how long into this position do you get the pain? immediately or a while? does the pain ease off while still in that position or do u mean 10minutes after you have managed to get it into proper position? do you get the hip pain anytime else...
    with the little infomation given... you seem to describe some stiffness from being in a position too long...i would suspect that you ae showing signs of a gentleman who will have some arthritis in that hip in the future...

    do you get any groin pain when you bring your knee to your chest? is the movement when you turn your foot (with the whole limb kept straight) inwards similar in range as that of the other limb?

    YOu probably have stiff posterior hip structures, turning your thigh outward means the head of your femur rolls inwards, if the posterior hip structures are tight and your external hip rotators are tight, then this position will mean the head will stretch the anterior hip ligamnets...a period of pain and stiffness with inability to move is akin to a degenerative process...

    The position you describe is similar to a test we use as one of the tests for a hip pathology called a FABERS TEST..you can look it up...

    You need a good assessment to be sure if this is the case and its perhaps better to see a physio in person to get better advice but of the top of the dome...

    exercises to improve hip flexion range, stretch posterior hip structures, improve hip external rotation (thigh internal rotation), improve posterior pelvic tilt and stability might be the way to go....

    better still...

    Just avoid lying with your hip bent and out to the side...lol

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