Hi all,
I crashed on a jump yesterday and landed with most of the weight on my shoulder. My shoulder dislocated and then after a few minutes popped back in. Rather stupidly I carried on riding as the pain was not that bad.
Having done a bit of reading I am a bit concerned about it and how to best go about rehab to give it the best chance of recovery.
Pretty sure it was only a partial dislocation as I was able to ride on it. The dislocation was anterior and I have pain at the back of my shoulder near the top scapular. The capsule feels sore and the shoulder is weak and unstable.
I have reasonable range of motion although it feels like it wants to come back out in certain positions.
What is my best course of action? Should I go and see a physio or is it something I can rehab at home?
I already dorotator cuff exercises for my other shoulder due to a loose capsule.
I'm aware that shoulders are often not straight forward when it comes to recovery/rehab and i'd like to give it the best possible chance to recover quickly.
Any help greatly appreciated,
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