Brief Medical History Overview
Stretching pain

Hi there, I wonder if you can help me!
A year ago I noticed a pain in my right hip caused by running. Went to a physio who suggested it was due to my back not being stretchy enough and thus a nerve being pinched in my piriformis. He showed me some stretches which I have been doing and have since improved much and can run without it causing pain.
I am now wanting to work on my flexibility, but am finding that when I try to stretch my hamstrings by putting my leg up on, e.g. a chair and leaning forwards, it gives me a sharp, pinching pain - this can, depending on which direction I point my toes, affect my calf, my hip, or sometimes the entire length of my leg up to my lower back.
Now I have heard that there is such a thing as "nerve stretching", and it has been suggested that this can feel similar, but somehow I think that stretching shouldn't be this painful surely?
I also get a similar thing when I sit, legs stretched out and try to touch my toes and move my forehead towards my knees - this sometimes causes me pain of the same quality all up my back and right into my neck.
Do you think all this is to do with my back situation as described above? Has anybody got any ideas what I can do about it? I'm not sure whether just to do the stretches anyway and see if the pain will go after a while, but I'm also worried about doing something wrong.
I really, really want to become flexible but feel this is seriously holding me back, so I'd be very grateful if you have any suggestions.
Thank you
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