Brief Medical History Overview
Developmental delay in 18 mth old

Don't really know if I should post this or not... or where...or why really..
My almost 18 mth old IVF son has been seeing specialists for 10 months now. He is currently under the care of a paed, a neuro, a physio, an Occupational therapist, a speech therapist, a dietician and has a referral to the Early Childhood Intervention Service.
It was thought early on that he may have a type of Muscular dystrophy, he has had genetic karyotyping done, and has had GT for Myotonic Dystrophy and Prader Willi syndrome done and they have been ruled out. The current suspicion is a type of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (type 3 or 4).
At his most recent appt he was assessed as being at the typical development of a 12 month old. He is underweight (8.9kg-putting him half a kilo off the 3%) on the 10% for his height, 50% for his head. He is delayed in his motor, learning, and play skills development. He doesn't walk or stand. He doesn't call us mum or dad, he doesn't cuddle or kiss us. He sleeps too much, he eats too little. He laughs like there is no tomorrow.
He is a delightful happy boy who we all adore.
I don't know what I am asking for or looking for, I guess some positive stories that their placid kids 'caught up'. I look at him and the awful thoughts of him maybe not leading a 'normal' life creep in and I feel sick. It gives me a lump in my throat just writing it.
I just wish I knew, I wish I could help him more. I wish I could make it all better.
Just don't know. Hate not knowing.
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