Brief Medical History Overview
Neck/Shoulder/Arm Pain
I have recently been having problems with my neck/shoulder which is also causing problems with my arm and hand.
It started when I participated in my first gym session of the new year after a 2 week break. Stupidly I failed to warm up properly and went straight onto to the assisted pull up machine. After the first set I felt a "niggly" pain in at the base of my neck/shoulder. I did the sensible thing and stopped any weightlifting exercises and left the gym.
I didnt experience any more pain through the day it was more a mild discomfort but as the night wore on it became unbearable. The pain had spread all the way down my right arm into my hand and I had a loss of feeling in my index finger on the right hand and on part of the back of the hand. I could only get comfortable lying flat on my back looking at the ceiling with my arm in a variety of positions.
For the next 7-8 days I was constantly popping ibuprofen tablets to take the pain away and resting (this was my doctors advice). Its now been 3 weeks and the pain has died down but not totally gone away, I no longer require pain killers to be comfortable. But I still have a numb fingertip and hand and I can not contract my tricep fully on this arm and my right pec is not contracting as much as my left. I also get shot of pins and needles down the arm if I sit a certain way.
I've done plenty of research on line and it sounds as though I have pinched a nerve. Does this sound correct?
Has anyone on here experienced similar problems before? How long did it take for full strength to return?
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