my shoulder is all banged up and has been for a while.
pain is constant.. it gets aggravated from any overhead exercises or pushing exercises.. eg bench press or pushups. back exercises dont seem to cause as much trouble for me which is odd considering the discomfort is in my shoulder.
i have tried laying off for many months nothing seems to help.
if i do exercise on the day.. i can push through and actually feel OK when i am doing the exercises. in fact i feel good. but the next day and after that my shoulder sits 'limp' forward. any attempts to pull the shoulder back or raise above my head cause pain. also the stability is not there through the range of motion. any pushing exercise the shoulder feels unstable.
ive been to many physio, osteopath and chiro.. all happy to treat with massage/corrections but nobody has said anything that explains my situation or the cause.
any ideas about what this could be?
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sounds like it might be a bicep/supraspinatus tendonitis plus something else - labral tear? Look up impingement syndrome for shoulder and see if anything sounds familiar. Labral tear as well. If your shoulder is as beat up as you say, you may have joint laxity where the humeral head is bouncing around smashing into various tendons during exercise - it wants to be tight and supported through muscle tension so exercise feels good, but it's just not stable enough to strengthen without injuring things. I assume you have been given many home exercises to do, so I would pick out the ones that don't feel bad the next day even if it means 'wimpy' weight and reps. Regards.