- I can intensify this neck/back pain to almost agony by lying down with my left-shoulder tucked under me i.e. sleeping on my left-side (note: there's no pain in the actual shoulder during this) If I happen to sleep this way I'm in awful pain during the 'sleep' and for the entire following day, and normally a day or two after that as well. Normally it would happen every night, which would make the really bad pain days EVERY day, but I've put something in place to help curb that a little (something to hold my arm in place so I cannot sleep on my left side) but it doesn't always work
- Bending forward is also terrible for the neck/back pain. It feels like something is perhaps tearing? (it doesn't actually even hurt until maybe thirty seconds later - but I know when I've done it .. it just feels different, then the pain kicks in and lasts all day)
- I've had pain-killer injections directly onto the spine at a spinal clinic because I was going to possibly undergo a nerve-burning process - the initial injections didn't seem to help much, so I didn't go through with it, although I'm not sure they got the right area.
- I've had both xrays and .. some other test where they scanned me a few years ago (MRI maybe?) and some
scoliosis was noted, but no damage to the spine structure detected. They only focused on scanning my spine. I've never had my shoulder scanned.
- 'Cracking' my neck used to give me around fifteen minutes relief, then it would come back five times worse. I've stopped doing that (and the pain has come down slightly) Same result from chiropractors.
- I've tried exercising to strengthen the muscles there. This only seems to make things worse as well, usually, although I've undertaken standing out from a wall and reaching back with my hands beside my ears behind me and pushing on the wall, and leaning my head right back so my whole spine is curved backwards. I feel this helps, but because my shoulder can't move properly, it's difficult to really strengthen that area.
- During the day, if I maintain a rigid posture with my head pulled right back in and tilted up as well, this also seems to help (at least helps to keep me from bending forwards and making it worse) Doing so does tighten me up eventually, but it's normally preferable to the neck/back pain.
- I cannot sit on any regular chair without aggravating the neck/back condition, even when I do everything I can to maintain correct back posture. I've noticed there are certain chairs that aren't as bad for it as others, though.
- I've had this for at least fifteen years. It has been really bad for around ten.
- Normal painkillers help when it's only light pain. The pain does reach a point where regular painkillers basically do nothing to affect it, though.
I don't know what to do next. Do I need to see an osteopath, an orthopaedic surgeon, a physical therapist? I've already tried a chiro as I said. My doctor has renewed my referral to the spinal clinic, but I am convinced it is a musculoskeletal problem that's either pinching my nerve(s), or tearing something in there.
I know I've written a lot here, but browsing other threads I see it's better to have some extra information than not enough.
Any advice is welcome.
Thank you.