hi - I know this is more about diagnosis than rehab but any help/advise would be appreciated.
I dislocated my knee 6 days ago, the USS results showed "no quad tendon tear, high suspicion medial retinaculum tear".
As the patella ended up on the lateral side of the leg I can understand that the medial side would be torn.

However today (6 days later), saw the consultant.
There was no pain in the quads nor any visible hole/lump but as I can't lift my leg up whilst liying he believes that the rectus femoris is injured. (I can lift the leg up a little when the leg is slightly flexed).

He said we could wait to see if it does get better but he would rather do an exploratory op and if there is a problem re-attach. Then he said it's 2 weeks in a full cast (which seems less than others here have faced?) I don't know what's after that...
I've had tendinitis in the quad tendon on and off for a while now (so maybe it was an accident waiting to happen).

The op might be for the best, but I'd rather not go down that route unless I have to.

Could the muscle/tendon still be sore from the dislocation? Or as it's 'inactive' (my words not his) does that mean it's a definite tear? (Odd that the USS didn't show it).
thanks for reading.

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