Brief Medical History Overview
Calf Contusion/Scarring from Blunt Injury

I would appreciate your advice:
Blunt trauma to medial calf just over 3/52 ago now (fell on ski edge at about 30-35mph). Swelled immediately, unable to weight bear, bruising emerging within an hour or so, extending to 15cmx5cm bruise. Ultrasounded about 2 hours after event showed no obvious injury. Gastrocnemius contraction/power not limited but dorsiflexion of ankle significantly limited. Remained on crutches for 9 days as unable to put foot flat on floor. Re-ultrasounded at 1/52 post-event - suggestive of tibial contusion/gastrocnemius contusion and possible saphenous damage. Gradually able to put slightly more weight through, and eventually able to get foot flat to floor by about 2-2 1/2 weeks post-injury. Remains painful/tender to touch despite brusing almost resolved. Area feels lumpy and dorsiflexion of ankle still limited (probably lost about 20 degrees). Knee Xray at 3/52 post injury normal. Re-USS today 22 days post-injury, suggests muscle in tact with some abnormal echotexture in the subcutaneous fat ?scarring. Have been having physio including soft tissue massage, therapeutic ultrasound and stretches + stretching regularly at home.
Is there anything that will help reduce the scar tissue? Does continuing physio/massage help? I have read that scar tissue doesnt normally form after haematomas/contusion, is this true, and if so, what is it from?
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