Brief Medical History Overview
Imobilise or Exercise?

I'm hoping someone might give me some advice concerning a problem I have with my own health. Any such advice or information would be much appreciated. I do have appointments scheduled with physiotherapist and hospital consultant but not for one and two months respectively. I wondered if anyone could advise me what to do while I'm waiting. Pain and restricted movement are making life difficult for me.
I have a problems with many joints and tendons - restricted movement and pain. The worst is my right shoulder. For about 4 months now I have had severe pain upon moving in certain ways and when sleeping. In fact I don't get a great deal of sleep because of pain. Basically, I can't raise my right arm either to the side or in front. Physically, the arm is extremely stiff and weak, plus I get intense pain just before I reach about 90 degrees from my trunk. The pain is on the top edge and the front of the shoulder. I also get pain radiating down my arm into the front of the elbow. When reaching out towards something - whether above or below horizontal - I get pain in the front top of the shoulder and just before the elbow. Additionally, I get intense stinging pain in the biceps.
I don't know a great deal about medicine but from looking on-line I would say the condition that most matches my experience is Impingement Syndrome\Painful arc. Many activities in which I have to lift my arm are causing me a great deal of pain and the lack of sleep is really getting to me.
I'm currently using heat and an Ibuprofen gel on the arm, two or three times a day, and taking two 500mg Naproxen a day. I haven't been given a diagnosis but referred, by my GP, for physio in a months time and an appointment with an RA consultant in two months time. I haven't had any tests on the shoulder but ultra sound examination of both Achilles, which are both very tender and often have little lumps on them, revealed accumulations of fluid.
Some sports sites say to rest the shoulder - including using a sling\support. Other sites say keep moving. Does anyone have any advice as to what I should do while I wait?
Any advice would be very gratefully received.
Many thanks.
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