Brief Medical History Overview
First, RC tear --- now, Lateral epicondylitis

Several weeks ago, while still getting PT for my shoulder pain due to RC tears, I began experiencing pain in the lateral aspect of my elbow. I discontinued the formal PT 1-2 weeks after the onset of the elbow pain (on the advice of my PT, because my shoulder pain was NOT improving, and was in fact aggravated by the PT exercises). During the past 4 weeks of rest, the elbow pain progressively worsened to the point that it is now more painful than my shoulder and hurts almost all the time -- when I move my arm or bend/twist my wrist, it feels like someone slammed a hammer into the muscle just below the lateral aspect of my elbow. Just about everything causes pain: walking (the natural swinging of arms while walking), lifting a coffee cup...).
I saw the sports ortho doc this morning and got a dx for the elbow: Lateral epicondylitis.
His Rx is to return to PT, this time to treat the elbow. He wants to address the elbow first since it is now my primary source of pain (although, my shoulder has not improved a bit).
I feel a very mild version of the same set of symptoms in my left arm (including elbow pain) --- not bad enough to seek help but just enough to recognize what it is. Logically, that makes sense --- both arms are the same age, the right arm would be worse since it is my dominant arm, but I use both of them for many activities (cycling, gardening, gym work-outs, etc.). Make that, USED both of them, since my activities are now significantly curtailed until these heal.
I looked up "Lateral epicondylitis", and the symptoms sound exactly what I have been experiencing for weeks.
Just wanted to share an update on the story about my RC treatment.
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