Brief Medical History Overview
Wrist pain

Hi, I am a paramedic and have been for nearly 13 yrs. I have recently developed sharp intense pain to the medial dorsal aspect of my right wrist. This pain intensifies on WT baring, flexes and extensions and rotations of the wrist.
My job requires me to load and unload various weights of people in n out of the ambulance via stretcher which on it's own weighs 75kg. This has now become intolerable to my right wrist. I weigh 58.5kg.
I was told today I may have tfcc by a physiotherapist who assessed my wrist and consequently strapped my wrist for limited mobilization. I am still finding it quite painful and very limiting to my everyday functionability.
I just read a forum from Wendy Howard hand therapist suggesting a persons WT baring capacities to the wrists on a set of scales. I did this, pain tolerance was limited to a WT bare of 6.5kgs to my right wrist and 16.7kgs to my left, nil pain at all to left wrist.
What do you suggest my next step be? How can I obtain correct treatment and pain relief for my wrist. My job is important, but whilst I'm in pain and have limited WT baring capacity it is very difficult to perform my duties.
Can anyone help??
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