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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Shoulder Pains - Separation

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I have been having slight shoulder pain for the last 4 or 5 months and it doesn't seem to be healing. I am an avid whitewater paddler and do some indoor rock climbing so it something that I am use to dealing with from time to time so I haven't really paid much attention to it. The pain is not the point where it limits my activity although I have altered my weight lifting routine some to try to give it some rest.

    I recently noticed that there is a small bump on my right shoulder that is leading me to believe I might have a Type II separation but I would have thought it would have healed by now on its own. I just started taking an anti inflammatory drug to try to speed up the healing process.

    My question is would a separated shoulder take this long to heal or am I likely dealing with something else. I haven't bit the bullet and went to see the Doctor yet.

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    Re: Shoulder Pains - Separation

    Dear El Cid

    Many thanks for your thread. It is however limited with information. We dont know how this problem started, we dont know what makes it worse or better, we dont know if it is getting worse? we dont know if the pain killers are helping? we dont know where "the serperated shoulder" diagnosis came from?

    Maybe the first place to start is with the doctor...get some radiological investigations done...


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    Re: Shoulder Pains - Separation

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    I agree with DrDamien...however, i would also add that giving us your story about your shoulder would be helpful as well...

    How did it happen? How long has it been? What have you done about it? Has it happened before? When does it bother you? When is it feeling great? What seems to make it worse? What seems to make it feel good?


    [B]Antony Lo
    The Physio Detective
    APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
    Teaching Fellow at the University of Western Australia[/B]
    Masters in Manual Therapy (UWA)

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    If you would like me to comment on your thread, please send me a message me with a copy of the link to it.
    [B]My Philosophy:[/B]
    The goal of physiotherapy is to restore optimum function - that is to move freely and maintain positions without causing damage either now or in the future. This requires the assessment and restoration of efficient load transfer throughout the whole body.
    The entry above constitutes general advice only and does not take the place of a proper assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Opinions expressed are solely the opinions of Antony Lo.

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