Brief Medical History Overview
Post meniscus operation pain running

Hi folks
I have recently had to call and arrange another appointment with the surgeon who removed part of my medial
meniscus. I had been running for years (no problem) then last year during a run my knee swelled up and i had to walk home. Had to wait a while for
mri and keyhole. Was told i had meniscus tear and some wear and tear on the knee joint. the surgeon said the wear and tear could possibly give me some problems when i am in old age but didn't seem at all concerned with it now. Anyway i followed the rehab to the letter. Cycled and did the balance, weights exercises ect. After three weeks the physio i was seeing told me i was ok to jog, although i felt grand i thought this was a bit early. Fortunately i was seeing the surgeon for the follow up the same day and he said the standard was 6 weeks before jogging. Anyway i started after 6 weeks by jogging very slowly for 1/4 mile and walking 2 mins (4 times) and built this up to 1/2 mile (3 times) and 3/4 mile (3 times) over a week. After about a week of this easy jogging i went to put my foot down in a jogging action in work and felt a weakness in my knee and a pain, i rested up for 2 weeks, only cycling. Started the same routine of jogging again and after a week i started to feel pain on the inside of my knee which is sensitive to touch/press and bear weight. I have no swelling however. It does feel quite similar to the pain before. I' very depressed after a year of no running, although i did buy a bike to tide me over the worst of it.
I wonder if anyone else has experience of reinjuring or pain in knee after meniscus removal.
Thanks all
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