
I am looking for some advice.

I have a suspected torn calf. I was walking up stairs on Thursday last week, when I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my left calf, I heard about 3 pops/rips as well and I couldn't stand on my leg or move it.
I went to my Drs on friday after an evening of ice and elevation. Dr arranged for me to go for a ultrasound scan, which I am still waiting for the appointment.
I went back to Drs today as my whole calf has bruised, mid leg to ankle. and it is also across the shin, I also now have swollen ankle both inner and outside and bruising on my foot.
Saw a different dr who has advised me to see physio, I have to go to a walk in clinic tomorrow morning and hope they can see me.
I am still icing, and elevating and the pain is better and can now stand on leg and walk although still in pain.
If I can't see physio tomorrow as it is first come first served, I am concerned it will effect healing and wondering if there is anything else i can do (or not to do) to help until I can see a physio.



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