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Quads really burning during Glute Bridges- how do I make it stop?

Hello, I was prescribed Glute bridges for weak glutes and lumbar lordosis. I also take ballet and have often been told by mt teachers that I use my quads way too much- and I have to admit, they are pretty big.
I told my physio about the quads burning during the glute bridges and she said they are probably just getting a really good stretch. The thing is, the more of these bridges I did, the worse it got. AND my Hip flexors got really really tight. Yes, I was contracting my glutes!
So the real problem of this is that my lateral thigh started going numb with pins and needles. I have had that problem for about 1 week a year for the last 8 years- I never worried about it. It wouldn't last. I personally always thought it was a pinched femoral nerve.
So really, I had no choice but to stop the glute bridges. Within days of stopping them my lateral thigh was back to normal. But wow- these bridges really tightened my hip flexors.
So my question is: what is wrong with me? Have you ever heard of this before???????? What did I do wrong????? and please don't tell me to go back to that physio- I really found I had to fight with her just to tell her anything-
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