
For quite some time now I've been having problems with my left thigh and also my neck and shoulders.

I suspect the leg injury started out as a hamstring strain, I understand that these can take up to 6 weeks to recover and that ice/heat/elevation is advised in the recovery stages. However, in spite of any kind of recovery it never seems to gain any strength and the slightest awkward movement can set it off again. I had been regularly putting in sessions of between 30 to 45 minutes on an exercise bike until I decided that each session was probably aggravating the injury and so I stopped. I try various stretches and even wear a strap/compression sleeve intended to help warm the muscle and reduce risk of further injury. It still hasn't returned to a state or strength that would give me confidence to return to cycling though.

The second problem, and definitely more distressing is a problem I'm experiencing with my neck and shoulders, typically on (though not limited to) the right side. I think I can trace this back a year when I experienced a strain due to fatigue having completed a night shift at work, I must have been tired and cold, and I felt a muscle pull. I thought this would probably heal itself in a few days, but if anything it didn't and over the next few weeks my neck and shoulders actually deteriorated to a state that they were permanently stiff, heavy and in huge discomfort. They have since improved so that they are rarely actually painful but they are usually uncomfortable, more so if I'm under stress. As with my thigh, my neck and shoulder seems to be in a constant state of being on the edge of relapsing and often it does, it takes the smallest flinch or awkward lean over something to set it off, which then results in tightness in the muscle and the feeling of the neck actually straining, and usually lasts for weeks before it starts to subside.

To compound this, with both injuries I experience clicking in the cartilage and joints which I suspect could be the onset of arthritis, though when I visited my GP surgery with a complaint of similar clicking in my left knee, they were completely unconcerned and told me not to worry.

Since the clicking of the knee I have regularly taken Glucosamine Sulphate, and rather more lately in light of my neck troubles Cod liver oil, often with added vitamins.

I keep pain killers to a minimum because I only feel slight relief by taking them, and I do seem quickly build up a resistance to pain killers and stimulants leaving feeling that I do not benefit from them, hence I rarely take them.

I am reluctant to return to visit my GP about this, mainly due to the reception I received last time, and have been intending to visit a private physio, who charges £35 for half an hour. Alas, I'm usually in an overdraft and have not been able to commit funds to this and am yet to book an appointment.

I wonder if anyone could offer a opinion on my troubles, and any advice? If only to confirm or dispel my theory.

I have recently restarted some exercise including rowing machine and light weight training in the hope that it might help strengthen my neck again and hopefully not further damage it. I know to put good effort into warming up and down prior to and after exercise, and also alternate between various types of exercise, i.e on one day I'd do rowing, and then weights on the next. Keeping fit is something that is very important to me, yet my injuries prevent me from maintaining a useful routine and I find my quality of live suffering for it.

Thanks in advance.

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