So it's been 8 months since my injury (see my previous post) and my foot is not better. I can't properly push my heel down still (I can get it so far then it just can't move any farther) and I get pain when I point my toes, turn my foot, or put my toes up. Even when I rest there is a constant aching pain. I've been researching and the best idea I had was a peroneus brevis tendon tear.
I finally got anMRI. The results say "12mm T2 intensity change of lateral malleolus compatible with microtrabecular injury" and "fluid is seen in the anterolateral gutter". Everything else is unremarkable and it says my tendons aren't torn (thankfully).
I am waiting for an appointment with my doctor. In the meantime I was wondering if anyone knows if this indicates ankle impingement (the fluid in the anterolateral gutter)? I had never heard of it before but it matches my symptoms better than a tendon tear...
I imagine the microtrabecular injury will just take a long time to heal.
I just want some sort of piece of mind that this actually indicates what my problem is so it can be fixed. I'm getting very frustrated.
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It would have been better to post this in your original post. Can you send us the full URL to it and we will merge the two so we can read the full history.
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